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Sunday, July 1, 2012

11 Months!

Wow.. My baby is almost twelve months old. A YEAR on friday !! :( oh  time flew..  Well during your eleventh month you learned a lot and grew a lot.
• You are 21 lbs. 23 in
• Your pulling yourself up in the crib
• Your starting to remember peoples faces, and voices.
• Your holding your bottle
• You love hitting people in the face - _ -
•  You are going through physical, speech, and now swallowing therapy.  (  I've seen major MAJOR improvement!  )
• Trying to crawl on your own
• You have been wearing glasses for the past two months. (  your eyes look so much better, you where  really cross-eyed )
• Still wearing helmet, BUT  this is the last month you have to wear it!! (  it is horrible, you hate that thing, you try to take it  off yourself but of course you can't. So I feel baaad )
• You have this new thing before bedtime, you like to snuggle in between my boobs  and hold on to my shirt so I don't move then you go to bed lol.
• You can walk in, your walker

Oh my baby it makes me soo proud but also saddens me to watch you grow up.  I love you with all my heart, I hope you have fun this weekend..i will try not to cry :)


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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


A lot has happened since your surgery not only does your head look amazing, but I noticed your development is improving to a very great degree. I felt that before the surgery your development wasn’t getting anywhere. Now you are pulling yourself around in the walker, you are more aware and active. You seem to learn a different thing each day. You’re just a happy little baby despite the hell you’ve been through in the past nine months of your life. You make me a proud proud MAMA! We recently visit your ophthalmologist and the surgery really helps relief the pressure off your eyes and they are straightening out, but you do need glasses to help them a little more. You are nearsighted so now you need tiny glasses. (You look like Grandpa =D TWINS!!) (OH! I wonder how many glasses we are going to have to go through pumpkin!) By the way MAMA’s going to be TWENTY tomorrow o___O Time does fly by when you get older!! So this means I’m not a teen mom anymore?!
Looking back a year of being a teen mommy I’ve grown and matured so much I can’t believe it. Honestly I feel a lot older than I really am. Things are kind of ruff …Daddy and I are going through a lot right now and I want you to know that being a teen parent is very hard, and we have a lot of stress on us. Not only were you born with a birth defect, but you have other things going on that needs medical attention. That’s a lot of doctor visits, and a lot of $$$$ that daddy and I don’t have. We are trying our best to be the best parents we can, and a good example for you (just like grandma and grandpa are to us) between going to school, work, keeping food in the table, and desperately trying to keep our apartment we love each other and always will that’s all that matters. So we might mess up a few times before we actually get everything right so be patient with us, but we will get it. Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. –Oprah

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Aliyah's Helmet..
Food Shopping with mommy =) ..

Happy Easter

I tried uploading this so many times off my phone but it wouldn't let me.. so better late than never right?? =)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

9 month update

Ok, so my baby girl is now nine months old!!! Can you guys believe it!! Somehow the past two months have slipped through the cracks. Sorry about that. Height & Weight: Still size 4 disposable diapers Weight - 18 lbs. (70th percentile) Length – 25 in (75st percentile) Since my last post Aliyah you have healed so well, your head looks amazing you
can barely see the stitches! Now you have a helmet that has to be on 23 hours a day; and you absolutely hate it! That helmet can only be on 4 to 5 hours at a time because you will very well lose your mind you won’t sleep, eat, or move you will just cry and cry. (You are so miserable with it on, and you have to wear it for three months!) Aliyah’s milestones: *Two bottom teeth have come out. (Sharp little things) * Yelling more. * moving yourself in the walker * smacking and punching people in the face * She isn’t crawling.. yet * You can’t pull yourself up..yet * Smacks your lips together trying to give kisses.
Hates: A dirty diaper, washing your hair, your helmet, and cold milk. We are constantly at the doctor’s office...=/ it’s getting very annoying. If it’s not for your head, it’s your ophthalmologist; pulmonologist, cardiologist, or pediatrician …smh and now the doctors are saying you are developmentally behind a couple months because of the surgery. -___- ughhh….. soo now they want you to go through therapy to catch up. Great … but at the end of the day you are a very strong and happy baby.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Quick update....We had a fabulous morning!!! You had to get your blood taken for blood count this morning. The team of doctors and everyone agreed that you look great and doing so well, so they are moving you out of the PICU and onto the children’s floor, and tomorrow HOME!!. Your swelling is down so, so much and your eyes are totally open... You are finally disconnected from all of these machines and IV’s .You love the new freedom to move around on your own!! We are ready to go!! No more needles!!!! I am SO SO happy and relieved all this is over, you have no idea what a load this is off my shoulders.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday !3, 2012 10:00 a.m.

Sorry that I did not send an update this weekend, but I wasn’t in the greatest mood to blog Anyway, We made it through yesterday. You woke up and were pretty swollen still but, both of your eyes opened all the way today, and you are clearly very excited to be able to see again. Oh baby I had to cut your hair today.. You had knots all over there was no way possible to comb your hair. Doctors from the neurosurgical team came in to check on you and they were thrilled with how your incision looks, and how much your head has gone down. At this point, you’re on just Tylenol for pain. You are in much better mood today and did a great job nursing and napping. We had so much fun snuggling together in the chair. Quite honestly, we sat there for so long that my butt imprint will probably still be there for weeks after we leave!! Anyway, it was worth it...You were so happy sleeping in my arms and I did not want you anywhere else!! Such a long day.....although, all is well that ends well. Then, you closed your eyes and passed out...all snuggled up in your bed with your favorite teddy bear. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we will be going home today. I am going to go and get a nice cup of coffee.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday 10,2012 12:00p.m.

Alright, nothing really has changed besides the fact that your face has went down, but your eyelids look like grapes big and swollen. As the hours go by i miss you more and more =(, and i feel mysef getting exausted and lonely from doing nothing, but waiting for you to wake up =/. You wake up every four hours screaming on the top of your lungs from the pain. The nurse gives you morphine and tylenol, which usually knocks you out for another four hours. Man i havent had this much time to myself to think, sleep, and do my work since before i had you. I kind of forgot how it is just to have time to myself. Honestly, I'd rather spend my time with you and daddy. that's all for now im going to go take a nap now. =)

5-7 months

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