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Sunday, April 8, 2012

9 month update

Ok, so my baby girl is now nine months old!!! Can you guys believe it!! Somehow the past two months have slipped through the cracks. Sorry about that. Height & Weight: Still size 4 disposable diapers Weight - 18 lbs. (70th percentile) Length – 25 in (75st percentile) Since my last post Aliyah you have healed so well, your head looks amazing you
can barely see the stitches! Now you have a helmet that has to be on 23 hours a day; and you absolutely hate it! That helmet can only be on 4 to 5 hours at a time because you will very well lose your mind you won’t sleep, eat, or move you will just cry and cry. (You are so miserable with it on, and you have to wear it for three months!) Aliyah’s milestones: *Two bottom teeth have come out. (Sharp little things) * Yelling more. * moving yourself in the walker * smacking and punching people in the face * She isn’t crawling.. yet * You can’t pull yourself up..yet * Smacks your lips together trying to give kisses.
Hates: A dirty diaper, washing your hair, your helmet, and cold milk. We are constantly at the doctor’s office...=/ it’s getting very annoying. If it’s not for your head, it’s your ophthalmologist; pulmonologist, cardiologist, or pediatrician …smh and now the doctors are saying you are developmentally behind a couple months because of the surgery. -___- ughhh….. soo now they want you to go through therapy to catch up. Great … but at the end of the day you are a very strong and happy baby.
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