Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday 10,2012 12:00p.m.
Alright, nothing really has changed besides the fact that your face has went down, but your eyelids look like grapes big and swollen. As the hours go by i miss you more and more =(, and i feel mysef getting exausted and lonely from doing nothing, but waiting for you to wake up =/. You wake up every four hours screaming on the top of your lungs from the pain. The nurse gives you morphine and tylenol, which usually knocks you out for another four hours. Man i havent had this much time to myself to think, sleep, and do my work since before i had you. I kind of forgot how it is just to have time to myself. Honestly, I'd rather spend my time with you and daddy. that's all for now im going to go take a nap now. =)