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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

35 week ultrasound of baby Aliyah.

Hello hello!
 I was soooo excited for this day. Finally, after 8 months of anticipation, we finally got to see our baby girl all fully formed and ready. She is about 5 pounds now and has no space to do anything. 
Say hello to  aliyah :) 
her arm in her face =)
O god she looks like her father from this angle lol :) 
I will have you know that I did not cry : )  however, I did 
 Tear  up a little bit thought ( come on she is such a blessing its crazy how i grew her in my uterus for 8 months now and shes a little person like wow?! .....We made Her : ) ) but our ultra sound technician  lady was such a mood killer it was like she had no personality and someone needed to slap her lol  ( as my husband put it lol)  and she  didn't say a word ( like helloooo what the hell are we looking at, is she in the right position?!?! .....  Is she ok?!?  ............ Ummm something ????!!!!) and she gave us only 2 pictures and there not even that good ( jerk) Anyway besides that were having our baby shower in two weeks :)  can't wait!!  

Babies. Are. Miracles. & God. Is. Good.
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