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Monday, June 27, 2011

38 weeks!

Holy cow- only 1 week and 6 days to go before our little girl arrives!!I’m 39 weeks pregnant!!! and 2 cm dilated!!

My bottom half feels like it’s gonna fall out from under me. Aliyah is growing like a weed and I can definitely feel it.
How am I feeling these days?

tired. I’ve been taking naps about twice a day.
peeing every 25 minutes.
having a lot of pressure.
feeling her every movement.
Been having contractions, and lower back pain.
my feet hurt A LOT!

That’s about it I get asked a lot what I’ve been craving- honestly, this entire pregnancy I've been craving ice cream and candy corn, I've had a lot of temporary cravings also (like chex mix bars and popcorn =) )

What’s Aliyah up to this week?

This week, Aliyah isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long o_O! She is producing more surfactant,(a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe.) Most of the changes this week are small but important: She’s continuing to add fat.

O God help me!! She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She’s moving a lot, too, so I have a lot of trouble sleeping because she kicks and somersaults keeping me up. All this moving is a sign that Aliyah is active and healthy. That’s my Girl!!

Hospital bag. What to pack?


[ ] Insurance info, hospital forms and birth plan
[ ] 2-3 pairs of Socks
[ ] A robe
[ ] 2 maternity bras -- no underwire -- and nursing pads
[ ] Lip balm
[ ] Toiletries and personal items -- hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, makeup,lotion.
[ ] Glasses
[ ] Headband or ponytail holder
[ ] candy
[ ] notebook and pen (for questions to ask the doctor and some tips to write down.)
[ ] Snacks
[ ] Cell phone and charger,
[ ] Camera, film or extra memory card, battery and charger.
[ ] Husbands clothes.
[ ] Extra pillow and boppy pillow.
[ ] My going-home clothes
[ ] Bath towel
[ ] Hairdryer/ straightner
[ ] Soap, shampoo and conditioner
[ ] A few pairs of maternity underwear that can get ruined
[ ] A nightgown
[ ] Slippers
[ ] My Ipod
What to Bring For Baby:

[ ]Car seat
[ ] A going-home outfit
[ ] Warm blankets

Thursday, June 16, 2011

36 Weeks

Aliyah this week..
 Is considered full term at the end of this week. The only organ that still needs some time to mature is her lungs.  
This week, she drops further into the birth canal getting ready for  delivery. This makes breathing a lot easier for me, but walking becomes much more difficult.  She constantly  stretches into my ribs and bangs her head against my cervix. She is surely beginning to run out of room in there. 
She is a good  19 inches long and 5 ¾ pounds in weight. She is gaining more fat every day, and may be even forming her cute little dimples around her elbows and knees. Her gums are very rigid, and she will be ready to nurse or bottle-feed when she is born.

As for me...
Last month! I've  finally made it. This  past week has proven to be the most uncomfortable week so far. She has  grown into such a strong baby and it seems at times  she is trying to find her way out. I’ve managed to gain about 30lbs.  The anticipation of locking eyes with her has completely taken over my every thought. I’m dying to know what she  looks like!
We’re so close!! The final stretch! Very soon you will be in my arms. :)  My feet are swelling, I have some  varicose veins, back  pain, along with constant poking in my ribs!
My hospital bag is all packed and ready to go! 
Can't wait!!! :) 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ice cream =)

Lately I’ve been in a HUGE ice cream mood.I never turn down a big bowl of sprinkled ice cream or an ice cream cake =) ooooh yeahhhh. I blame Aliyah... oh yeah, she’s totally the reason why I’ve been craving dairy so much…(ahem) in the form of ice cream :0)

what my baby wants my baby gets ;)


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

35 week ultrasound of baby Aliyah.

Hello hello!
 I was soooo excited for this day. Finally, after 8 months of anticipation, we finally got to see our baby girl all fully formed and ready. She is about 5 pounds now and has no space to do anything. 
Say hello to  aliyah :) 
her arm in her face =)
O god she looks like her father from this angle lol :) 
I will have you know that I did not cry : )  however, I did 
 Tear  up a little bit thought ( come on she is such a blessing its crazy how i grew her in my uterus for 8 months now and shes a little person like wow?! .....We made Her : ) ) but our ultra sound technician  lady was such a mood killer it was like she had no personality and someone needed to slap her lol  ( as my husband put it lol)  and she  didn't say a word ( like helloooo what the hell are we looking at, is she in the right position?!?! .....  Is she ok?!?  ............ Ummm something ????!!!!) and she gave us only 2 pictures and there not even that good ( jerk) Anyway besides that were having our baby shower in two weeks :)  can't wait!!  

Babies. Are. Miracles. & God. Is. Good.

Friday, June 3, 2011

10 hard facts on marriage...

#1 There will be one disagreement in your marriage that will never be resolved--and you will never agree on what it is! The earlier you identify and accept it, the better. Encourage your partner to do the same with his or her complaint.

#2 You can only change yourself. This is as intellectually obvious as it is emotionally challenging. Important to remember when struggling with #1.

#3 Be stoic about your own (no doubt herculean) efforts. If you want it done, do it and don't expect praise. Yes, I am unfortunately thinking specifically of housework here. Reframe the task(s) as maintenance and improvement you do for yourself alone. This helps, because the corollary (3b) is: Don't expect anyone else to notice what you do. For all intents and purposes, you are doing it for yourself!

#4 You chose each other. Your spouse is the only family member you will ever select. Because it is a self-directed relationship, you will evolve together in a way no other intimate relationship can. This can be exhilarating, as when you establish new traditions and a new familial baseline. It can also be frustrating and scary: No roadmap, and the prospect of "de-selection" in the offing, however abstractly. 

#5 Life necessitates trade-offs, your relationship and partner included. The qualities that frustrate you are intimately connected to the qualities you love.

#6 The social fabric of marriage is lovely, but it is not what marriage is about. The diamond rock, the social approval, the identity as a huband or wife.... these facets matter but they are a distant second to the intrinsic connection between the two of you.

#7 The outside world sees mainly these secondary characteristics (#6), and is therefore apt to misjudge your relationship. Ignore their judgments.

#8 A good relationship is made better by adversity. Again, not worth highlighting what can happen in a bad relationship. But I've seen plenty of on-the-fence relationships bump up a notch after challenges.

#9 Take responsibility for your own satisfaction. Keep your partner privy to your goals, dreams and of course frustrations, but do not confuse this with making him or her accountable for these feelings or outcomes. Likewise, help him to realize his own dreams.

#10 Never forget the moment you first connected. The way you felt about one another then, and in the weeks and months after, is a reminder of your potential to connect, no matter how much time has elapsed.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

35 weeks!!

I am just about 35 weeks pregnant!! Only 4 more weeks to go!

What’s Baby Aliyah up to this week?

Well Aliyah is standing tall (so to speak) this week at about 20 inches and continues her steady weight gain (she’s about 5.5 pounds). While she won't get much longer, she will continue to pack on those last few pounds right up 'til delivery day.
Cute, we love chubby babies!
There’s a lot going on inside that tiny head head of hers, which is, by the way, still soft to allow an easier exit through the birth canal.

As the days go by I’m getting more and more excited to meet our little princess. This Monday we’re having the Last ultra sound done. =D

How do I feel?

I’ve been feeling very tired mostly in the mornings, its hard to sleep im always waking up in the middle of the night either to go to the bathroom or craving something =). I'm slow and always out of breath, and very uncomfortable sitting, stand, even laying down. but other than that, it’s been business as usual. I’ve gained about 30 pounds now.

Nursery Update.

Umm, we haven’t exactly started that yet =/.. we really need to we are looking for an apartment and i think we've found one soo fingers crossed =)! We’re having our baby shower in two weeks. (soo excited) I’m dying to start fixing our apartment and putting up everything now ughhh its killing me! Eventually everything will come together, so I’m not worried about it (yet.)

Yay! Exciting next few weeksahead.
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