My bottom half feels like it’s gonna fall out from under me. Aliyah is growing like a weed and I can definitely feel it.
How am I feeling these days?
tired. I’ve been taking naps about twice a day.
peeing every 25 minutes.
having a lot of pressure.
feeling her every movement.
Been having contractions, and lower back pain.
my feet hurt A LOT!
That’s about it I get asked a lot what I’ve been craving- honestly, this entire pregnancy I've been craving ice cream and candy corn, I've had a lot of temporary cravings also (like chex mix bars and popcorn =) )
What’s Aliyah up to this week?
This week, Aliyah isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long o_O! She is producing more surfactant,(a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe.) Most of the changes this week are small but important: She’s continuing to add fat.
O God help me!! She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She’s moving a lot, too, so I have a lot of trouble sleeping because she kicks and somersaults keeping me up. All this moving is a sign that Aliyah is active and healthy. That’s my Girl!!
Hospital bag. What to pack?
[ ] Insurance info, hospital forms and birth plan
[ ] 2-3 pairs of Socks
[ ] A robe
[ ] 2 maternity bras -- no underwire -- and nursing pads
[ ] Lip balm
[ ] Toiletries and personal items -- hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, makeup,lotion.
[ ] Glasses
[ ] Headband or ponytail holder
[ ] candy
[ ] notebook and pen (for questions to ask the doctor and some tips to write down.)
[ ] Snacks
[ ] Cell phone and charger,
[ ] Camera, film or extra memory card, battery and charger.
[ ] Husbands clothes.
[ ] Extra pillow and boppy pillow.
[ ] My going-home clothes
[ ] Bath towel
[ ] Hairdryer/ straightner
[ ] Soap, shampoo and conditioner
[ ] A few pairs of maternity underwear that can get ruined
[ ] A nightgown
[ ] Slippers
[ ] My Ipod
What to Bring For Baby:
[ ]Car seat
[ ] A going-home outfit
[ ] Warm blankets