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Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello! :)

My name is Amanda I am 19 years old and currently 33 weeks pregnant with our first daughter, I am also married to my boyfriend of 6 years Jose. We  spent 3 years of our relationship  learning  and growing from each other, and the last three years we spent madly in love, and now were having a baby girl!! :D
I made this blog so itll be easier for me to update on my daily life and struggles on teen  pregnancy ,marriage,motherhood,the way I feel  and things that just happen everyday.

I am girlie makeup. Hair. Clothes.  Excite me. 
Food is my world!
If i could be anywhere i would be at home with my husband  laying down, watching a movie, and ordering takeout :) I think every girl should wear what she likes  be unique and confident about themselves.
 I lovee going to the gym and the after feeling of a really good workout :D
 i love romance, and just a kiss my the forehead or the tip of my nose from my husband makes me feel so special and makes my heart melt :)  
My biggest fears are SPIDERS, being alone, failing, and not being able to see my children grow up. That's  just a little bit about myself and.....
Welcome to my bog! :)
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