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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thoughts on becoming a mother

Photography,Mother & Daughter,Mother And daughter,Lexi,Lexi and adrian,Colorful,beautiful,love There are many women that can just have a baby  and be mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and love their children, I know that I will be just as good a mother and even better.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover.
I will marvel at this miracle that God gas given me every day for the rest of my life.
I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold her and feed her.
I count myself blessed in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child.
 This child that God has given me I  promise I will not be careless with my love. 
I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes I will be a wonderful mother.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tips for pregnant girls

Photobucket * yes I know  you don't want to do the pregnant girl waddle... But it takes up so much energy and time to walk like you use to so just give it up and Waddle :) it feels so much better. 
* you MUST eat!! Before you go to bed no question about it, It helps you sleep better.

*Never, ever postpone even the slightest urge to pee. That UTI will attack your bladder in seconds flat.

*If you get a feeling the OB you chose isn't  listening to what you have to say change to a different one. When you have your blood drawn by a nurse who searches frantically for a cotton ball while you sit there bleeding on yourself, no, your standards are not too high. Lol

*Don't compare yourself too much to other pregnant girls, everyone's body is different, pregnant or not.

*Only those uncompromising pregnancy hormones could cause you to declare war on your husband, your best friend in the world, during such an exciting time. Take deep breaths. Hope he understands.

*If someone doesn't comment on your oh-so-obvious pregnant status, that doesn't mean they aren't thinking about it. Stand near them for more than two minutes, and they'll say what they're thinking.

*Accept that you're going to be stared at. If someone isn't gawking at the belly, they're probably stressed or something's wrong with them.

*Smile at other pregnant girls.

*A lot of people look down their noses at you if you admit you're hoping specifically for a boy or a girl. Say you just want a healthy baby. That happens to be a girl. :)

*Mix a childcare book or two into your pregnancy book collection.

*Write down questions before your OB appointments - even if you already know the answer - so you don't feel as gipped when it's over in five minutes.

*Crunchy things make the most satisfying food. Mmm...

*Shopping at your favorite pre-preg clothing stores (with intent to buy XL sizes) during the third trimester will probably make you feel sad.

*Don't pick a baby name that you wouldn't mind being named yourself.

*Try laying flat on the floor when your back hurts.

*Babies R Us sells Motherhood Maternity clothing. This saves you a trip to the mall, especially since you spend all your shopping time at Babies R Us anyway. Baby Gap also has some impressive baby gear.

*Don't feel bad swiping your hubby's second pillow to wedge behind your back when you sleep.

*It's fun to smile at baby kicks. Although I'll admit that the hiccups lose their cuteness after a couple episodes.

*Pregnancy is a privilege that not everyone is blessed with. Be really thankful and excited God gave it to you.

Hello! :)

My name is Amanda I am 19 years old and currently 33 weeks pregnant with our first daughter, I am also married to my boyfriend of 6 years Jose. We  spent 3 years of our relationship  learning  and growing from each other, and the last three years we spent madly in love, and now were having a baby girl!! :D
I made this blog so itll be easier for me to update on my daily life and struggles on teen  pregnancy ,marriage,motherhood,the way I feel  and things that just happen everyday.

I am girlie makeup. Hair. Clothes.  Excite me. 
Food is my world!
If i could be anywhere i would be at home with my husband  laying down, watching a movie, and ordering takeout :) I think every girl should wear what she likes  be unique and confident about themselves.
 I lovee going to the gym and the after feeling of a really good workout :D
 i love romance, and just a kiss my the forehead or the tip of my nose from my husband makes me feel so special and makes my heart melt :)  
My biggest fears are SPIDERS, being alone, failing, and not being able to see my children grow up. That's  just a little bit about myself and.....
Welcome to my bog! :)
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